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After biking along with a new friend (Rory from Germany that I met at the Honey Hut) for the first bit of the day, I continued on to the small town of Hazelton, where I met one of the coolest families ever.

The parents were taking their four (aged 4 to 10) kids with them on a year long bike trip from Washington to Florida to Texas where they wwre going to find jobs and figure out what to do next.

In order to do this trip they invested in two triple tandem bikes also known as trandems. 

This family was a fun time to hang out with and I even got to eat dinner with them in the park while watching the local tee-ball game. After the kids went to sleep in their tent, I got to talk to the parents for a few hours over a couple of beers and trade stories from on and off the road.

Also, it was fun to learn that they had traveled the same exact (within 10 miles) distance as I had, so I guess I am half way across the US!

This will truly be a group of people that I never forget.

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